Company insolvencies surge in 2022

Insolvency figures hit 2,190 – their highest level since 2009.

Bank of England raises interest rates to 4%

The latest increase is the highest base rate in 14 years.

Directors’ economic confidence rises

Business leader confidence hits its highest level since March 2022.

Millions of taxpayers leave returns until the last minute

2.7 million self-assessment customers were yet to file just hours before the deadline.

HMRC publishes updated VAT penalty regime

The updated penalty system came into effect on 3 January.

Chancellor outlines four ‘Es’ to grow the economy

Hunt suggests taxes won’t be cut until inflation is under control.

IMF forecasts UK economy will shrink in 2023

Britain is expected to be the only G7 country in recession this year.

HMRC reveals new AER calculation method

Quarterly reviews will use ONS data to calculate advisory electric rates.

Small business tax debt is growing

Non-payment has increased since the Covid-19 pandemic.

Wait time for HMRC helpline hits 27 minutes

HMRC says that home workers are not affecting call centre performance.

Tax take hits £553 billion due to threshold freezes

Revenue is up by £48bn on the same period last year.

Top 20% of earners pay majority of all income tax

Over half of UK taxpayers receive more in benefits than they pay in tax.

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