Unincorporated businesses could face higher tax bills

Consultation aims to align the way self-employed and others are taxed.

Could NICs rates be about to change for 2022/23?

Reports suggest the Government might be about to break a manifesto pledge.

Govt. considers raising NICs for 2022/23

National Insurance rates could rise 1% from April.

Inheritance tax receipts bounce back

33% more taxpayers hit by IHT charges.

UK house prices fall by 0.3%

House prices drop for the first time in 2021.

UK economy grows as COVID-19 restrictions ease

Hospitality and retail bounce back in Q2 2021.

Startups outstrip business closures in 2021

Business start-ups in 2021 up by 22% from previous year.

CGT receipts hit record-high of £9.9bn

41% of receipts came from 1% of capital gains taxpayers.

MTD for ITSA may come a year earlier

CIOT calls for MTD for ITSA to be delayed.

Govt. introduces £750m live events insurance scheme

It will cover costs in the event of cancellation.

Output per hour grew fastest in North West in 2020

The UK economy grew by 0.4% in the UK.

Employers fined for underpaying workers

Companies failed to pay £2.1 million to 34,000 workers.

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