R&D tax credits a ‘costly failure’

Research and development spending is lower than twenty years ago.

New Government watchdog to protect workers’ rights

It will gain the responsibilities of three current agencies.

£305,000 needed for a ‘comfortable’ retirement

That equates to £26,000 a year.

OTS explores moving end of tax year

Tax simplicity is the priority for the OTS.

Furlough figures fall to their lowest levels this year

The Treasury said its recovery plan ‘is working’.

HMRC updates process for furlough claims

Updated templates should make the system easier.

Hundreds of taxpayers caught out by IHT gift rule

Taxpayers lost out on over £600 million.

PM calls for SMEs to lead charge to net zero

The Government wants SMEs to achieve net zero by 2050.

Trade credit reinsurance scheme to end

It will end on the originally planned date.

R&D tax credit scheme a ‘costly failure’, says report

Companies invest less than before the policy’s introduction.

Employers told to issue childcare voucher reminder

HMRC also implies working parents might be better off using tax-free childcare.

HMRC seeks to remove VAT repayment supplement

Tax body warns of potentially ‘devastating’ impact on VAT-registered businesses’ cashflow.

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